Karmen Mesko— June 9th at 9am EST / 6am PST

About Karment Mesko

Medical doctor, ascension guide, and multidimensional quantum genomics researcher at heart and soul. I'm here to assist you in reclaiming your divine nature and embodying your highest expression of Self! Through a spontaneous kundalini awakening, I got activated and opened to themultidimensional and quantum nature of reality and this shifted my life tremendously. I was set on the path of wanting to understand and embody the process of ascension, from a spiritual as well as a medical research perspective.

Through my extrasensory intuitive abilities and an analytical approach to the information available in the quantum field, I’m bridging cutting-edge medical and quantum science with personalized intuitive readings of the individual quantum blueprints of a person to gain a personalized approach to the challenges in someone’s life. I help you master powerful quantum transformational tools, including deep-state meditation, imagery, guided visualization, and vibrational and quantum medicine principles designed to access unlimited resources.

Based on the information in your unique quantum body-mind-soul blueprint the approach is tailored to your unique needs and soul's desires.


Jessica Ventura